Remington Gas O-Ring Assortment Kit
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Remington Gas O-Ring Assortment Kit
The Carlson Gas O-Ring Assortment Kit has all different sizes of O-Rings. The O-Rings are coated with graphite so that they have longer lasting performance. These gas O-Rings work for 28, 20, and 12 gauge shotguns and can get the job done in most gas operated shotguns, especially if your shotgun is part of the following list.
O-rings work with:
- Remington Model 1100, 11-87
- Pro Bore Guns, G-3 models
- Beretta Shotguns
- Winchester Shotguns
- Franchi Shotguns
- Charles Daly Shotguns
- Tri Star Shotguns
- EAA Shotguns and many other shotgun types